Welcome to the Sandpoint Friends Meeting (Quakers)
We are in the process of rebuilding our website after severe technical difficulties crashed the site! Please have patience as we hope to have our full site up and running soon! In the meantime, great information about Quakers can be found at Friends General Conference (U.S. Friends national organization) and Friends Committee on National Legislation (Friends U.S. political lobby) and the regional association of Pacific Northwest Friends . |
Here is some basic information to know about us: We have had a presence in Sandpoint, Idaho for over 40 years! We are an "unprogrammed" Quaker Meeting, with no pastor or clergy, as all are equal. We sit together for an hour of silent worship in “the light of the spirit.” If someone is so moved by that light, they may break the silence with their message. We then return to the silence before any other thoughts are shared. Messages are for the whole Meeting, not conversations. Some hours are spent in full silence, others have many messages. We currently have about 20 adult members and attenders. Children are very welcome (we do like advance notice), and can join in worship for the hour or be cared for in the children's “nest” area, then joining in during the last 10 minutes.
1025 Alder Street, Sandpoint, Idaho. We meet from 10am to 11am on Sunday mornings
by snacks and fellowship
more information from an actual human,
Thank you for visiting our web site! We hope to see you at the Meeting House soon! |